Dog fur care: Get the basics

Koiran turkinhoito: Ota perusteet haltuun - Muotitassu

1 Introduction

Koiran turkinhoito on tärkeä osa lemmikin yleistä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Se ei ainoastaan pidä koiran ulkonäköä miellyttävänä, vaan myös auttaa pitämään lemmikin terveenä ja onnellisena. Koiran turkinhoito ei ole pelkästään esteettinen seikka, vaan se on myös merkittävä tekijä koiran ihon terveydelle. Koiran turkin kunto heijastaa usein koiran yleistä terveydentilaa. Hyvin hoidettu turkki on kiiltävä ja sileä, kun taas huonosti hoidettu tai laiminlyöty turkki voi olla merkki ravitsemuksellisista puutteista tai mahdollisista terveysongelmista. 

Turkinhoitoon kuuluu säännöllinen harjaus ja pesu, mutta myös oikeanlaisten tuotteiden käyttö, kuten koirille suunnitellut shampoot ja hoitoaineet. Nämä tuotteet on suunniteltu erityisesti koiran ihon ja turkin tarpeisiin, ja ne auttavat pitämään turkin terveenä, kiiltävänä ja hyvän tuoksuisena. Tässä blogissa käymme läpi perusteet joilla koiran turkinhoito onnistuu, ja annamme vinkkejä ja suosituksia parhaista tuotteista. Opastamme sinua hoitamaan koirasi turkkia parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Olipa koirasi rotu tai turkkityyppi mikä tahansa, tämä opas auttaa sinua ymmärtämään, miten voit pitää koirasi turkin parhaassa mahdollisessa kunnossa.

Dog fur care is an essential part of your pet's well-being and health. Not only does it keep your dog's fur nice and shiny, but it also helps prevent skin problems and improves your dog's overall health. All fur care products found Muotitassusta are non-toxic and suitable for all breeds, fur types and all ages. Also check out Trimmaaja and TikTok influencer Kultaturr's tips for washing a dog . Remember that caring for your dog's fur requires patience and experience, which you gain when you start caring for your dog as early as possible.

2. Basics of dog fur

This chapter covers the basics of dog fur, including the different types of fur and their characteristics, as well as how the type of fur affects grooming.

2.1 Different fur types and their characteristics

Dogs have many types of fur, ranging from short and smooth to long and curly. For example, a Labrador Retriever has a short, dense coat that repels water, while a Bichon Frize has a long, curly coat that requires regular grooming to stay in good condition. Some breeds, such as the German Shepherd, are double-coated, meaning they have a thick undercoat and a longer topcoat. Double-coated dogs often need more grooming, especially during shedding.

2.2 How does the coat type affect the treatment?

The type of coat greatly affects the kind of care a dog needs. Short-haired dogs generally need less brushing than long-haired dogs, but they can benefit from regular brushing to keep their skin and coat healthy. Long-haired dogs often need regular brushing to prevent tangles and knots, and some may need regular trimming to keep their coat manageable. Double-coated dogs may benefit from special brushing techniques during shedding and may need more frequent baths than single-coated dogs. It is important to emphasize that each dog's fur care is individual. What works for one dog may not work for another, so it's important to know the special needs of your dog's fur and adjust the grooming routine accordingly.

3. Dog fur care and basics

3.1 Brushing

Brushing is an essential part of dog fur care. It helps to keep the coat healthy and shiny by removing dead hair, dirt and any tangles. Brushing also stimulates the skin's blood circulation and distributes the skin's natural oils throughout the coat, which helps keep it in good condition. The frequency of brushing depends on the dog's coat type. Short-haired dogs usually need brushing once a week, while long-haired or curly-haired dogs may need daily brushing to prevent tangles. When brushing, it is important to use the right kind of brush or a comb that suits the dog's coat type.

3.2 Washing

Dog fur care usually starts with washing, which is an important part of its hygiene. Washing helps keep the coat clean and odor-free, and removes possible allergens or parasites. The frequency of washing depends on the dog's coat type, activity, health status and even the season. The general recommendation is to wash the dog about once a month, but this can vary. When washing, it is important to use shampoo intended for dogs, as human shampoos can be too strong for a dog's skin. There are different shampoos for different needs, such as for sensitive skin, for allergic for dogs or white fur. Although grooming a dog's coat is not a sport, the quality of the shampoo and conditioner in particular has a big impact on the end result. Low-toxic products do not burden the dog's skin, and can reduce irritation. High-quality products make your dog's fur soft and fresh.

3.3 Drying

Drying the dog's fur after washing is important, especially in cold weather. Drying helps prevent skin irritation and fur tangling. For drying, you can use a towel or a hair dryer intended for dogs. It is important to dry the dog carefully, especially long-haired dogs, whose fur can remain wet from the inside, even if the surface seems dry. Remember that taking care of your dog's fur is not just an aesthetic matter, but an important part of your dog's overall health and well-being. Proper care will help keep your dog's coat and skin healthy, and it's also a good opportunity to check for any skin problems or parasites.

4. Dog fur care and the importance of products

4.1 Shampoos

Shampoos are an essential part of dog fur care. They help keep the dog's coat clean and healthy. When choosing a shampoo, it is important to consider the dog's coat type, skin type and possible allergies. There are special shampoos for, for example, long-haired, short-haired, curly-haired and sensitive-skinned dogs. Several high-quality shampoos are suitable for all fur types. In addition, there are hypoallergenic shampoos designed specifically for allergic dogs. When choosing a shampoo, you should also pay attention to its pH value, because the pH of a dog's skin is different from that of a human, and therefore human shampoos are not suitable for dogs. Make sure the shampoo is made for dogs.

4.2 Treatments and treatment sprays

Conditioners are an important part of dog fur care, especially with long-haired and easily tangled breeds. They help keep the coat shiny, soft and easy to handle. Conditioners also protect the fur from damage and help prevent mange. Like shampoos, conditioners should also be chosen according to the dog's coat and skin type. There are special treatments for, for example, dry, oily or sensitive skin. The use of conditioner can be replaced with a special treatment spray that is sprayed on the dog's dry fur after washing and not rinsed off. The treatment spray can also be used between washes before brushing to make it easier. Treatment spray can remove wet dog odors without extensive washing.

4.3 Other fur care products

Fur care products also include various fur care oils, fur care creams and fur care balms. Coat care oils and creams help to moisturize and nourish the coat and can be especially helpful in dry or cold weather. Fur care conditioners can help protect the fur from the sun and other environmental factors. When choosing fur care products for each dog, it is important to consider the dog's individual needs and preferences. When it comes to dog fur care products, it is worth investing in high-quality and non-toxic products that do not strain and irritate the dog's fur.

5. Dog fur care in summer vs winter

5.1 Summer

Summer (+ autumn and spring) is a time when the challenges related to dog fur care can be particularly great. Dogs spend more time outdoors, which means they are more prone to getting dirty, shedding, and possible skin problems. In addition, dogs can be prone to sunburn, especially short-haired and light-coated dogs. Sun protection is an important part of a dog's summer coat care. There are special sunscreen products for dogs that can help protect your dog's skin from the sun's harmful rays. It is also important to ensure that the dog gets enough liquid and shade on hot summer days. In the summer, dogs may also swim more, which can dry out the coat and skin. Seawater and swimming pool chlorine water in particular dehydrates the dog. Use hydrating shampoo and conditioner  to keep the coat healthy and shiny.

5.2 Winter

In winter, dry indoor air and cold outdoor air can dry out the dog's coat and skin. Dog fur care in winter requires special attention. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to help keep the coat and skin moisturized. You can also consider fur care spray for extra moisture. In cold weather, the dog's fur provides natural protection against the cold, but some dogs, such as small, old or short-haired dogs, may need additional heating, such as a dog's knitor coat.

In addition, in winter, a dog's paws can be prone to cracking and irritation due to ice, snow and road salt. Paw cream or wax can help protect your dog's paws from these elements.

6. Grooming the dog's coat in different life stages

6.1 Puppy fur care: special features and tips

Grooming the puppy's fur starts at an early stage. This helps the puppy get used to the fur care routines and makes them more pleasant later in life. A puppy's fur is often softer and thinner than an adult dog's, so gentle products and tools are needed for its care. Brushing should be regular, but gentle. This helps to keep the puppy's coat clean and undamaged, and promotes the development of healthy skin and fur. The puppy's first wash should be done with a shampoo specially designed for puppies, which is gentle and does not irritate the puppy's sensitive skin.

6.2 Caring for an old dog's coat: special features and tips

In an older dog, the structure and condition of the fur can change. The coat may become thinner, rougher or drier, and the skin may become more sensitive. For the fur care of an old dog, you should choose products that moisturize and nourish both the fur and the skin. This helps keep the fur healthy and beautiful. Brushing an old dog's fur is important, as it helps remove dead hair and stimulates blood circulation in the skin. Possible skin changes or problems can also be checked during brushing. The washing interval of an old dog can be longer than that of younger dogs, because too frequent washing can dry out the skin. Gentle, moisturizing products should be used for washing.

7. Dog fur care in special situations

7.1 Allergic dog: which products to avoid and which to prefer?

Allergic dogs can react strongly to certain ingredients found in some fur care products. Allergy symptoms can appear as itching, rash, redness or even fur loss. It is important to recognize these symptoms in time and contact a veterinarian if necessary. Common ingredients that can cause allergic reactions include parabens, sulfates, and artificial colors and fragrances. Sensitive shampoos and conditioners are usually the best choices for allergic dogs, as they are designed to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. They are often unscented and contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera and oats that can soothe irritated skin. In addition, it is important to make sure that the dog's fur is brushed regularly so that dead hair and skin can come off and new, healthy hair can grow. Brushing also stimulates blood circulation in the skin and distributes the dog's natural oils throughout the coat, helping to keep it healthy and shiny.

7.2 Dog coat care during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are times when caring for a dog's fur can be particularly challenging. Hormonal changes can affect the condition of the fur, and it can become drier or tangle more easily. During this period, it is important to brush the dog's fur regularly to keep it coat-free and healthy. Use a soft brush or comb that does not damage the skin. Washing is also important, but it should be gentle, and it is recommended to use mild, natural shampoos and conditioners. If necessary, you can dilute the substances according to the instructions. During pregnancy and lactation, special attention should be paid to the dog's diet, as nutrition directly affects the condition of the coat. A balanced diet that contains enough protein, vitamins and fatty acids helps to keep the coat healthy and shiny.

8. Frequently asked questions about dog fur care

How often should a dog's coat be washed

This depends on many factors, such as the dog's coat type, habitat and possible skin problems. In general, most dogs need a bath about once a month.

Can I use human shampoo on my dog?

You don't. Human shampoos can be too strong for a dog's skin and can cause irritation or dryness. It is recommended to use only dog ​​shampoos with a pH suitable for dogs.

Why is conditioner an important part of dog fur care?

The conditioner helps restore the fur's natural moisture after washing, makes the fur easier to manage and helps prevent tangles.

How often should I brush my dog's fur?< polyline fill="none" stroke="currentColor" points="0.5 0.5 10.5 10.5 20.5 0.5" stroke-width="1.25">

This depends on the dog's coat type. Short-haired dogs usually need brushing once a week, while long-haired dogs may need daily brushing.

What do I do if my dog's coat is shaggy?

Use a coat clarifying spray or conditioner and brush the coat gently. If the bolts are too tight, you may need professional help.

How can I protect my dog ​​Turkey from the sun in summer?< polyline fill="none" stroke="currentColor" points="0.5 0.5 10.5 10.5 20.5 0.5" stroke-width="1.25">

It is important to provide the dog with shade, and to avoid direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day. Make sure that there is enough fresh water available.

How can I take care of my dog ​​Turkey in winter?

In winter, the dog's skin can dry out, so it is important to use moisturizing fur care products. In addition, if necessary, it is good to protect the dog's paws from salt and ice with special paw creams or protectors.

9. Summary

Dog fur care is an essential part of your pet's well-being and health. In addition to keeping the dog's fur beautiful and shiny, it also helps prevent skin problems and improves the dog's overall health. All fur care products found at Muotitassusta are non-toxic and suitable for all breeds, fur types and all ages.
See also Trimmaajan and TikTok influencer Kultaturri's tips for washing the dog. Remember that caring for your dog's fur requires patience and experience, which you will gain when you start caring for your dog as early as possible.


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