Orthopedic bed to support the treatment of dog joint problems

Ortopedinen sänky koiran nivelvaivojen hoidon tukena - Muotitassu
The right sleeping place can help reduce your dog's joint pain and improve its quality of life.
- Dr. Marty Becker

An orthopedic bed is no longer a luxury product only for humans, but has also become an everyday aid for our four-legged friends. A lot of walking, running, bouncing - our dogs live an active life. And this active lifestyle can lead to damage to joint and bone tissues, which in turn leads to the development of arthritis or osteoarthritis. Fortunately, an orthopedic bed can be one of the most effective solutions to help dogs with arthritis or osteoarthritis. Find out how it can help in this article.



Various musculoskeletal diseases in dogs

Various musculoskeletal diseases can cause the dog significant pain and a deterioration in the quality of life. The most common musculoskeletal diseases in dogs are arthritis, which is often the result of osteoarthritis in dogs, and dysplasia, which means a deformity of the joints. These diseases can develop for several reasons, such as hereditary factors, the dog's age or being overweight. They affect the dog's ability to move and can weaken its general well-being.

Osteoarthritis is a disease in which the cartilage tissue in the joints weakens and wears away, leading to joint pain and stiffness. Often, the development of osteoarthritis is long-term, and it can be caused, for example, by stress, obesity or the changes brought about by aging. A dog with osteoarthritis may move stiffly and avoid great physical exertion. It is also common for the pet to spend more time active than resting or sleeping. Unfortunately, there is no curative treatment for osteoarthritis, but the symptoms can be eased and the quality of life improved with, for example, an orthopedic bed.

Arthritis, on the other hand, is a condition that can occur alongside osteoarthritis or as an independent disease. It means inflammation of the joint, which causes the dog pain, swelling and stiffness. Common causes of arthritis are, for example, joint injuries, infections, diseases of the immune system or osteoarthritis. Dogs suffering from arthritis can show a variety of symptoms such as reluctance to move, difficulty standing, paralysis or even fever. Unfortunately, just like osteoarthritis, arthritis cannot be completely cured, but the symptoms can be alleviated and the quality of life improved with various treatment methods, such as an orthopedic bed.

Dysplasia is another common joint disease that particularly affects large breed dogs. It is caused by deformity of the joints, which causes excessive wear and tear on the joints and eventually arthritis or osteoarthritis. Dogs with dysplasia may be reluctant to move, limp or have difficulty getting up. Dysplasia is a hereditary disease, and its symptoms can be alleviated by e.g. with regular exercise, weight management and a comfortable place to rest, such as an orthopedic bed.

Koiran luuston rakennen röntgenkuvassa


How to identify musculoskeletal diseases in dogs

Musculoskeletal diseases can greatly affect your dog's quality of life, and that is why it is important to recognize these diseases in time so that the necessary treatment measures can be taken. However, it should be noted that every dog is an individual, and not all have the same symptoms. Even dogs with the same disease can behave in different ways. However, here are the most common signs that you can use to identify musculoskeletal diseases in your dog. 

The first sign is usually when your dog starts to move more slowly than before or it seems difficult to stand up. It may also be that the dog limps or avoids certain positions or movements. For example, dogs with osteoarthritis may avoid jumping or climbing stairs because they may cause pain. 

The dog's behavior may also change. It may be more irritable than before or it may withdraw into its own circumstances. Sometimes such behavioral changes can be caused by pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders. 

Changes in weight can also be a sign of illness. If your dog loses weight or gains weight quickly for no apparent reason, it may be because he is not exercising as much as he used to, or because he is eating more or less because of his pain. 

The most important thing is to be attentive to your dog's symptoms and take them seriously. Do not ignore these signs, but take the dog to the vet, who can do a more detailed examination and, if necessary, start treatment. Remember that timely treatment can significantly ease your dog's symptoms and improve his quality of life. Large breeds in particular have a higher probability of developing musculoskeletal diseases during their lifetime.

Underneath prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders
German shepherd Very high
Bernese Mountain Dog Very high
Newfoundlandinkoira Very high
Labrador High
Rottweiler High
Golden retriever High

examples of large dog breeds with a high risk of hereditary musculoskeletal diseases

Now that we've talked about the various joint diseases in dogs, it's important to discuss the possible treatments and their importance for the dog's well-being. One way to support the treatment of a dog with canine osteoarthritis or arthritis is to use an orthopedic bed. 

What is an orthopedic bed? 

The orthopedic bed is specially designed to support and facilitate pain relief in joints and muscles. They are typically made of high-quality memory foam that conforms to the dog's body shape and distributes the weight evenly, minimizing pressure on specific areas such as joints and bones. 


Laboni Ortho Nova koiran peti

See the selection of orthopedic beds.

The benefits of an orthopedic bed 

Using an orthopedic bed has many advantages for a dog with joint problems. Here are some of the most important: 

  • Weight distribution: An orthopedic bed distributes the pressure evenly throughout the bed, which helps reduce pressure on the joints and bones.
  • Pain relief: Using an orthopedic bed can help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by canine arthritis.
  • Better rest: Alleviating a dog's significant pain can lead to better rest and sleep quality, which is very important for the dog's well-being and healing process
An orthopedic bed can help reduce joint stress and inflammation, which eases the dog's pain and improves its mobility.
- Dr. Nancy Kay

However, remember that although an orthopedic bed can be a useful support, it is not a substitute for treatment or medication recommended by a veterinarian. It is always recommended to consult a veterinarian before starting a new treatment or support procedure for the dog.

Research results: The effect of orthopedic beds on joint problems in dogs

Continuing from the above context, many studies have shown that the use of orthopedic beds can be very beneficial in the treatment of joint diseases in dogs. A particularly good effect has been observed in dogs with osteoarthritis or arthritis. 

These studies have shown that the orthopedic bed provides optimal support for the dog's body, distributes the weight evenly, thus removing pressure from the joints. This reduces joint stress and pain, helps improve circulation, and can even help reduce swelling and inflammation. 

"The orthopedic bed not only creates a more comfortable sleeping environment for the dog, but also offers physiological benefits that can alleviate and even prevent the progression of joint diseases" - veterinarian

The effects of using beds are considerable. Some dogs have shown significant improvements in mobility and pain levels within just a few days of using a new bed. It is also important that an orthopedic bed can increase the dog's comfort and well-being, which can lead to a better quality of life. 

Studies of orthopedic beds 

As already mentioned earlier, the usefulness of orthopedic beds has also been observed in scientific studies. Below are some of these studies: 

  1. Research in publication Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports (2014) showed that the use of orthopedic beds significantly improved post-operative recovery time in both dogs suffering from osteoarthritis.
  2. In the Yearbook of Veterinary Research (2016) a published study showed that an orthopedic bed can significantly improve the quality of life of dogs waiting for or recovering from surgery.
  3. Article J Am Vet Med Assoc in the magazine (2017) said that orthopedic beds are an effective aid for the treatment of osteoarthritis, in addition to comfort, they can reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Of course, it's good to remember that every dog is an individual and what works for one, may not work for another. That's why it's important that you talk to your vet before getting a new bed for your pet suffering from knee problems.

The effect of sleeping on a dog's joint health

Sleep plays a significant role in maintaining the health of a dog's joints. Sleeping enables the body to recover from the day's physical activities and promotes the regeneration of tissues and joints. These recovery processes are especially important for dogs with joint problems, who need optimal recovery time to reduce pain and inflammation and maintain joint mobility and function. 

Lack of regular, quality sleep can lead to sensitivity to pain and reduced functional capacity, which can worsen pre-existing joint diseases. The dog should be able to sleep peacefully, in a comfortable bed that supports the body and helps reduce pressure on the joints. 

The role of the orthopedic bed in improving the dog's sleep quality 

An orthopedic bed is an excellent choice for a dog with joint disease or arthritis. They provide excellent support and comfort to help reduce pressure and pain in the joints. 

  • Forms according to the body: The memory foams of the orthopedic bed adapt to the shape of the dog's body and distribute the pressure evenly, which reduces strain and pain on the joints.
  • Weight distribution: The orthopedic bed distributes the dog's weight evenly, which prevents the formation of centers of gravity and helps keep the joints healthy.
  • Snug: An orthopedic bed provides warmth and comfort, which can help relieve joint pain and make it easier to rest.

Unlike regular pet beds, orthopedic beds are specially designed to support and adapt to the shape and needs of the dog's body. Together, these features can help improve your dog's sleep quality and promote joint health.

 Koira iloisena ortopedisellä Laboni Ortho sängyllä

How an orthopedic bed improves the quality of a dog's sleep

It is important to understand that the quality of a dog's sleep is connected to its general health and quality of life. A dog that sleeps well is more alert and happy, and is better able to deal with physical challenges such as arthritis or osteoarthritis. An orthopedic bed is an excellent tool for improving such sleep quality. 

The comfort of orthopedic beds 

Orthopedic beds are designed to support the dog's body appropriately, without forgetting comfort. They are shaped according to the dog's body, which helps to distribute the weight more evenly and reduce pressure on the joints. This is especially important for dogs with osteoarthritis or other joint diseases. An orthopedic bed can help, even alleviate already existing joint pain and improve the quality of the dog's sleep significantly. 

Optimized temperature conditions 

Orthopedic beds keep the dog warm in cold weather and cool in warm weather, helping to maintain ideal body temperature and prevent excessive heat that could damage joints. 

Improved mobility 

A good sleep can improve a dog's mobility and vitality. During sleep, the body repairs itself, including the joints. An orthopedic bed can enhance this repair process by providing optimal support and comfort. 

Make sure you choose a bed that fits your dog's size and supports it in the right places, especially if your dog suffers from arthritis or osteoarthritis. The more comfortable the dog is, the better it sleeps and the better its quality of life.

How to choose a suitable orthopedic bed for a dog

When choosing an orthopedic bed for your dog, it is important to consider a few factors to ensure that the bed will be as useful and comfortable as possible for your dog. 

  • Size : The size of your dog is one of the most important things you should consider. The bed must not be too small so that the dog's bones get the necessary support and your dog can rest comfortably in all positions. If you choose a bed that is too big, your dog may feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
  • Material : An orthopedic bed should be made of durable and high-quality material that is also easy to clean. The high-quality orthopedic beds are made of, among other things, viscoelastane, which are shaped according to the heat and weight of the dog's body. You can read more about the materials of this writing.
  • Support : Since the purpose of an orthopedic bed is to support joints in the legs, hip or back, the bed should provide adequate support for these areas. Some orthopedic beds like Labon's Ortho beds are specially designed to alleviate certain joint problems, so choosing them might be a good idea if your dog has been diagnosed with such a condition.
  • Accessories: if your dog is a senior, or suffers from urinary incontinence, it is good to make sure that the mattress can be equipped with a separate with incontinence protection such as Labon's CoolPlus.

Esimerkki geelipohjaisesta laadukkaasta ortopedisestä patjasta

An example of a gel-based orthopedic mattress for dogs, which combines a gel that quickly returns to its shape and a memory foam layer.

Once the bed is selected 

When you have finally chosen an orthopedic bed for your dog, remember to get your dog used to the bed gradually. Give him the opportunity to get to know his new bed and make it as pleasant a place as possible. For example, you can put its favorite toy or blanket in the new bed. 

It is important to keep in mind that every dog is an individual and what works for one dog may not work for another. Carefully monitor your dog's reaction to the new bed and, if necessary, contact your veterinarian for further advice. 

Remember that an orthopedic bed should not be seen as the only solution to your dog's joint problems. It is one of the many ways to improve your dog's quality of life and support its care.

Other means relieve joint problems

In addition to the orthopedic bed, there are many other forms of treatment that can be used to treat a dog's joint problems.

Exercise is an important part of the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases, but at some point it can become difficult or too painful. Then help and you can find joy in spending time outdoors with a pet stroller. With these, runs can be stretched or even replaced completely, and the dog can enjoy a wider area again without pain from exertion.

 Vanha koira ulkoilemassa omistajan kanssa lemmikkirattaissa

Especially when exercise is reduced, it is important to pay attention to the amount of food and weight control, because excess weight is of great importance in straining the joints.

Medical treatment includes, for example, anti-inflammatory drugs and nutritional supplements, which can be used to ease joint pain and support joint function. Physiotherapy or animal physiotherapy, on the other hand, can help your dog ease the pain and improve its mobility. Rehabilitation, such as water therapy, can also support the health and functional capacity of the dog's joints.

Be sure to talk to your vet before starting a new regimen. They can help you choose the best possible treatment based on your dog's unique needs. After all, your dog's well-being and health are the most important.

We at Muotitastu want to help your dog feel better. See our selection orthopedic beds mixed pet strollers.


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